Team Jak & Big Bear Promo Team Up To Raise Awareness & Funds Through Promotional Products

Team Jak recently teamed up with promotional merchandise specialists Big Bear Promo to spread awareness about cancer in young people and raise funds for providing emotional, social, and practical support to their families and friends. Big Bear Promo is on a mission to make a positive impact on various marketplaces, including charities and non-profits, through their ethically sourced and carefully printed promo products. As promotional merchandise experts, we offer quality branded products that help with effective brand promotion at great value for money.

Big Bear Promo regularly supports local communities and various charities through its unique and wide range of promo products. Our products are designed to help charities like Team Jak promote their cause to new and existing donors and encourage them to make financial contributions that help these charities continue their good work. The founders of Big Bear Promo, James and Mukesh, believe, “Promotional products can help charities and non-profits in several ways. They are great marketing tools that offer long-term exposure at very affordable costs. Through Big Bear Promo, we are determined to help charities like Team Jak raise funding and awareness so that they can continue providing critical support to young people living with cancer and their families.” Apart from raising funds, promotional merchandise can help charities retain donor loyalty and increase engagement at charity events.

Big Bear Promo works with several non-profit organisations and provides them with printed promotional products like keychains, t-shirts, pens, notebooks, bottles, bags, mugs, and more. These promo items are tried-and-tested means of promoting an organisation, particularly at charity events and awareness drives. By teaming up with us, Team Jak was able to spread awareness about childhood and teenage cancers and also raise funds to continue our efforts towards making life a bit easier and enjoyable for those suffering from the dreadful disease.

The Team Jak Foundation is dedicated to providing emotional, practical, and social support to young children affected by cancer. Their volunteers help families with shopping, house cleaning, ironing, gardening, homework, and more. They also provide counselling and other types of emotional support to those affected, their parents and carers. Jak’s Den is a special place where children and young people, and their families and friends, come for drop-in sessions, music therapy, counselling, pamper days, alternative therapies, activity days including cake decorating, puppet making, magic shows, teen days (including Xbox and PS4 challenges) arts and crafts, coffee mornings, bespoke support, and homework support groups. You can find out more about the foundation and the work they do, here.

You can learn more about Big Bear Promo and our exclusive range of promo products here.