Turn Up The Heat With The Best Summer Promo Products From Big Bear Promo

As the temperatures start to rise and we head into Spring and then Summer, businesses must modify their strategies to remain relevant and popular. Not just the campaign objectives, but even the promotional products you were already using need a rethink. Summer brings a promise of light and life, and your branded merchandise must convey the same sentiment. Regardless of the nature and age of your business, investing in good quality summer promotional items is a great way to improve brand awareness, lead generation, and ultimately sales, in the summer season. Without further ado, here are the best summer promotional products to help you make the most of the upcoming summer.
Branded Sunglasses
This one is a no-brainer – sunglasses make for effective and attractive promotional products that can increase your brand recognition in the summer months and beyond. Just put your name and logo on cool and trendy sunglasses and let your customers flaunt them whenever they are outdoors!
Branded Water Bottles
There’s nothing more valuable than a bottle of water in the hot summer months. This is why they make excellent promotional items for businesses that wish to increase brand awareness and loyalty. You can also offer personalised water bottles with the names of your most loyal customers and thank them for their continued trust and business. Branded water bottles offer plenty of space for you to print your name and logo in bold and make it memorable.
Branded Caps
Caps are one of the most popular items of clothing during summer. They not only look cool but also protect your head from direct sunlight. Branded caps make great promotional products too, as they offer ample space to print your brand name and logo and offer the best visibility.
Branded Sunscreen
Want to show your target audience how thoughtful you are? Gift them branded sunscreen with their purchase this summer and show how much you care. Although small, sunscreen bottles have gradually become an essential summer promo product. Printing your logo on them will drastically improve your reputation and recognition.
Branded Balls And Frisbees
Parks and beaches are where most of your customers will be during summertime. And there’s nothing more fun than playing with a ball or frisbee on the beach or park! If your primary marketing objectives are to improve brand awareness and lead generation, balls and frisbees are two summer promo products that can help you achieve them. Just make sure to choose the coolest, most colourful balls and frisbees to print your name and logo so they can grab everyone’s attention no matter where they are played.
There are many other summer promo products, such as t-shirts, towels, lip balms, cooler and picnic bags, and more, which can make great additions to the list of the best summer promo products. To discuss what is right for your business, speak to a member of our team at Big Bear Promo at 0116 326 or email us your queries at [email protected].